Bharti Singh wants to be Mother again, Says- I want my son to cry on mall Floor, 'Insult Ho Meri'. Bharti Singh made Kareena Kapoor Crack up with her antics on What Women Want and shared that she wanted to get pregnant again. Actor Kareena Kapoor welcomed comedian Bharti Singh on her talk show What Women Want on the latest episode. The two bonded over their kids, delicious desi food and more. Bharti also spoke about how she wants her son Laksh aka Golaa, to throw tantrums at malls and embarrass her. When during a segment Kareena asked Bharti to rate the situation of kids being stubborn and throwing tantrums, Bharti rated it 3. “Acche lagte hai mujhe ziddi bacche. Main chahti hu mera baccha mall mein lete aise karke (stomping her feet), meri insult ho (I like stubborn kids. I want my kid to throw a tantrum at malls, I get embarrassed).” Kareena let out a big laugh and then gave the example of kids screaming on flights. watch Video To know more
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