"In the rapidly growing information world, we often come across Fake news, misinformation and disinformation. There are efforts to tackle the menace of the fake news. But the question is who should be in charge of busting fake news? Who should get to decide what is and what isn't fake news?
Well, the govt has now decided to constitute a fact checking unit with sweeping powers to determine what is fake or false news related to the business of central govt. Not only that it will also have the authority to order takedown to intermediaries. Additionally, the govt has decided to give more powers to the Press Information Bureau (PIB) to fact-check any 'fake, false or misleading' information about the central government.
The move however has received a sharp criticism from media bodies, editors guild and internet freedom advocates.
Let's understand what are these rules? What the critics are saying and what will be its impact?
#ITRules #FakeNews #FactCheck #PIBFactCheck #RajeevChandrashekhar #InternetFreedomFoundation #EditorsGuildIndia #india #pressfreedom #fakenews #viralvideo #youtube #india #democracy #hwnews