Is This The Root Cause Of JOINT PAIN - This Will SHOCK YOU! Dr. Gundry & Steven Sashen

2023-04-05 1

I’m curious – how often do you prioritize the health of your feet and finding the best shoes to support your lifestyle?

Well, if you’re like me… probably not a whole lot. That’s why I’ve invited Steven Sashen – a Masters All-American Sprinter and entrepreneur who says the key to healthy feet, better posture, and improved athletic performance has to do with “natural movement”.

Steven introduces us to Xero Shoes – a shoe that mimics going barefoot, and why it outperforms other popular running shoes. He also shares tips for regaining your form and connecting to your roots to optimize your athletic performance.

On this episode you’ll learn:
-Why your SHOES may actually be harming your health
- The BIGGEST mistake a major shoe company made (and they still regret it today)
- How this common type of shoe may actually be changing your brain!
- Why you do NOT need an arch for proper foot support and cushion
- How this shoe mistake can lead to a shorter life (almost everyone is doing it)
- How making this ONE change could help you optimize your exercise and experience better results
- How walking barefoot can improve your balance reflexes
- Why you should stay away from THIS common shoe brand
- The shoe brand that is changing the future of shoes (they’re incredibly comfortable and great for overall health)
- 3 exercise ANYONE can do to strengthen their feet and improve their balance (you can even do them while brushing your teeth)
- What big shoe companies don’t want you to know – and why you should avoid wearing them at all costs