Massively reduce your monthly bills by understanding appliance energy ratings

2023-04-03 3,950

Waste not, want not as the saying goes…but can this approach help households save money and cut their monthly bills?

New research, commissioned by AEG, highlights that a quarter of us (27%) admit to throwing away and wasting food that’s beyond its best by date – however a third (36%) admit that they have now changed their shopping habits to one big monthly shop in an attempt to cut down on this wastage.

Energy is one of the things that UK households waste the most – as almost half (46%) admit to leaving their phone on charge overnight, and over a third (37%) always leave their TV plugged in even though they don’t use it daily. With the rise of working from home – 1 in 10 (7%) admit to leaving their laptops plugged in all day, even when they are fully charged!

Household appliances we use day in, day out contribute a significant amount to our overall energy usage, despite this, almost a third (32%) are still unaware of the energy ratings of their appliances and many of us
don’t know how to use some of the key programmes to maximise energy efficiency.

To help find cost-saving measures all homes can deploy to reduce their energy bills, a first-of-its kind experiment has been conducted to measure the impact of changing behaviors towards energy usage and how more efficient household appliances can help reduce bills.

The experiment scrutinised the Green family, from Leyton, and their habits coupled with energy usage.

The family were encouraged to change household habits and use appliances more efficiently – contributing to a saving of £264.25 across the course of a year, equating to nearly £2,000 across the 7-year appliance lifespan.

Available for interviews is Dr Martha Newson, Associate Professor of Psychology, who constructed the experiment with the Green family and can discuss what people should be looking out for when purchasing new household appliances to ensure that they are as energy sufficient as possible, but also how to change habits to get the best energy efficiency from existing appliances, to drive down our energy bills.

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