Adidas Withdraws Opposition to Black Lives Matter’s Logo

2023-03-29 6

Adidas Withdraws Opposition , to Black Lives Matter’s Logo.
NBC News reports that on March 27,
Adidas submitted a request to the U.S. Trademark Office
to block the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation from using three yellow stripes in its logo.
NBC News reports that on March 27,
Adidas submitted a request to the U.S. Trademark Office
to block the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation from using three yellow stripes in its logo.
The retailer claimed that since it has had its logo since
1952, shoppers might get confused and think their
products are connected with Black Lives Matter.
But 48 hours later on March 29,
Adidas backtracked on its request.
Adidas will withdraw its opposition to the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation’s trademark application as soon as possible, Adidas, via statement.
The company didn't provide
a reason for its decision. .
It's possible that it wanted to avoid potential backlash from Black Lives Matter supporters.
NBC News reports that the Black Lives
Matter Global Network Foundation is the movement's most prominent entity.
The foundation has yet to comment
on Adidas' trademark activities.
NBC News reports that since 2008, Adidas
has filed more than 90 trademark lawsuits
and agreed to 200 settlements