Sesame Street Episode 4064 (Rocco's New Dance) (2004)

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Season 35 (2003-2004)
Written by: Belinda Ward
Production: Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Air Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Sponsors: Letter A, Number 1

Segments: Dan Zanes and friends perform “Jump Up." (2004)
None, some and all of the dancers dance as Big Bird narrates. (1995)
The Letter of the Day: A
Prairie Dawn encourages Cookie Monster to think of words that begin with "A." She can't keep him from eating the letter in question, though, much to her "a"ggravation. (2004)
A man names various A words. (2004)
A for action, acrobat, art, artichoke, and applause. (1994)
Spanish Word of the Day
Rosita offers her elephant friend un abrazo. The elephant is surprised to learn that abrazo means "hug", but then offers Rosita un abrazo in return. (2004)
Mannequins in a store window dance. (2003)
Gabi plays a follow-the-leader game with Zoe, Elmo, Rosita and the kids. (2004)
An animated lion sings "Dance Myself to Sleep." (1999)
Journey to Ernie: Rhyming Playground (2004)
Ernie and Bert: Ernie keeps Bert awake at night singing "What's the Name of That Song?." (1999)
Global Grover: Grover returns dancing from Russia and shows a film of a boy who attends a Russian dance school. After the film, Grover continues practicing the dance when two Russian dancers appear, squish Grover between them and begin dancing back to Russia.
Global Thingy: Lizard Thingy is laughed at for Irish dancing.
The Number of the Day: 1
After practicing a few times, The Count hits an organ key, and the number is one. One elephant appears. (2002)
Number Guy sings "How Many Birds Can Fit on This Wire?" One bird provides the answer. (1995)
Wegman dogs: Batty and Crooky stack wood blocks to make the number 1. (2002)
Elmo's World: Dancing (1998)
The Adventures of Trash Gordon
Chapter 648
Trash feeds a big smelly fish to a gang of hungry penguins. (2004)