Why do 40% of people who Identi" /> Why do 40% of people who Identi"/>

Are vaccines causing Gender Dysphoria?

2023-03-23 6

Why are 40% of children suddenly "identifying as" "Non-binary?"
Why do 40% of people who Identify as "Trans" attempt suicide?
Why is everyone so angry?

Well, I have a theory...


Event 201: https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/exercises/event201/

ID2020, a group formed in 2018 seeks to install a global security system that integrates vaccine status with identity. This is the prophesized 666 system Christians warn about. You will not be able to go into any public building, store, or place of employment without scanning in, and being up to date on required vaccines.


Bill Gates is triple represented in the 5 Founding Partners of ID2020: Gavi, Microsoft and the Rockefeller foundation.

Many of us knew Bill Gates was involved from the very beginning of the Plandemic: https://petitions.trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/petition/we-call-investigations-bill-melinda-gates-foundation-medical-malpractice-crimes-against-humanity

Sometimes, the Satanists just go out of their way to make it obvious...Check out the NUMBER on this Patent owned by Microsoft, in line with the WEF's Social Credit Crypto absolute dictatorship model, and ID2020's plans: WO2020060606A1

or... WO 2020 060606 A1

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