BeamNG Drive: 180 MPH Police Chase (Supercharged Police Car)

2023-03-16 12

No, that's not clickbait. Join me in BeamNG Drive as we pursue a turbocharged ETK K-series on the American Road map at speeds up to 180 MPH. Good thing our Grand Marshal had a supercharged 5.4L V8 out of a Ford Lightning. I know our police car's speedo only goes up to 120 and the Police Radar app wasn't showing up in the replay, but I legit saw 180 a few times and saw north of 160 pretty often, for both my own car and the fleeing car.

This video makes use of a few mods, first and foremost being Primo3001's American Road map ( albeit with most of the trees removed so it would run better on my sorta lower-end PC. I think it still looks pretty good, almost like miles and miles of farmland.

The second mod seen prominently here is WarDaddyUSA's Realistic Police Lights mod (

The third mod which is heard but for some reason not seen is angelo234's Police Radar mod ( which is how I knew we were doing 180 MPH.

The fourth that wasn't readily apparent but was responsible for my police cruiser being able to take curves at 150+ MPH is SmatDude13's Extra Grip Tires mod, ( Not very realistic but sure makes for an interesting video.

If you enjoyed this video and want to see more, please consider sending some bitcoin or litecoin my way. I earn virtually no money (a total of 73 cents since April 2016) from this channel and am not eligible to monetize my Youtube channel or Facebook page. My BTC address is ( 1MFQJkWK4pBbUaxErqpxhCWojaRRJqJeGh ) and my LTC address is ( LMYM6SBZ4Kqcr7NFA77B5aRY7cbuNwzbRP ). From the bottom of my heart, thank you in advance.