Lunges V Split Squats

2023-02-28 4

What's in a name? Potentially, quite a bit. Those Split Style Reverse Lunges(one the left)are quite involved, moving a foot out and back to the start position each rep. It's clearly a two part movement. The Split Squats as were done by the Old School Weightlifters who would use the Split Style on Snatches & Cleans is much more straightforward: just dip down and push back up! I'm using 148½lb on the Lunges & 200lb on the Split Squats which makes sense cuz those Lunges are much harder! So, whether doing a Split Squat or a Lunge, adjust accordingly cuz there's a BIG difference! Hope this helps! God Bless!!
"For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content." - 1 Timothy 6:7-8
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