On the 22nd Bharat Rang Mahotsav, the National School of Drama (NSD) staged Girish Karnad’s Nagamandala play at Tagore Hall in Jammu and Kashmir. The three-day international theatre festival enthralled the audience. The festival was done in collaboration with the Jammu and Kashmir academy of art culture and languages (JKAACL). The aim of the festival was to revive theatre activities and attract artists to the valley and make cultural relations stronger with each other. During these, artists from different places in the country including J&K, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Dehradun, and Uttarakhand gave tremendous performances that awe-struck art-loving audiences. Eklavya theatre group artists from Uttarakhand grabbed the attention with Girish Karnad’s, most popular play Nagamandala directed by Akhilesh Narain. “When these types of cultural transfers take place. A kind of enthusiasm arises in the artist here when they artist from showcasing their state cultures and their ability in stage dramas.When they came here and interact with them, a kind of enthusiasm arises in the artist here from their performance. Cultural traditions get enriched by these performances. The theatre movement is going on here,” said renowned Theatre artist Farooq Sheikh.