Many Americans Believe That Media Misinforms the Public, Survey Shows

2023-02-15 82

Many Americans Believe That, Media Misinforms the Public, Survey Shows .
Many Americans Believe That, Media Misinforms the Public, Survey Shows .
Associated Press reports that a recent survey
showed that half of Americans believe national news
organizations intentionally mislead or misinform the public. .
Associated Press reports that a recent survey
showed that half of Americans believe national news
organizations intentionally mislead or misinform the public. .
The survey was conducted by
Gallup and the Knight Foundation.
Just 25% of those surveyed said they
agreed with the statement that national news
organizations do not intend to mislead. .
52% of those surveyed said they disagreed with
the statement that national news outlets “care about
the best interests of their readers, viewers and listeners.”.
Just 23% said they believed
that journalists were acting
in the public's best interests.
Americans don’t seem to think
that the national news organizations
care about the overall impact
of their reporting on the society, John Sands, Knight’s senior director for media
and democracy, via Associated Press.
According to Sarah Fioroni, a consultant for Gallup,
the survey shows a depth of distrust that transcends
the foundations and processes of journalism.
AP reports that similar to other studies,
Knight and Gallup found that Democrats
trust news outlets more than Republicans.
Overall, 55% of those surveyed said
that coverage contained a great deal of
political bias, compared to 45% in 2017.
5,593 Americans aged 18
and older participated in the study,
which ran from May 31 to July 21, 2022