DIMETRODON Dinosaur Songs From Dinostory By Howdytoons

2023-03-03 419

Dimetrodon may not have been a dinosaur but was the deadliest predator of his time! At the top of the foodchain in the Permian period, this 500 pound, 6 foot long creature had a deadly attack and hunted in packs. Dimetrodon - you know he ate MEAT!

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Words and Music by Mike Whitla
© 2021 Rock'n'Rainbow Music Publishing

1. Long before Dinosaurs ruled the earth
Dimetrodon was the master first
With a mouth full of serrated teeth
Dimetrodon, you know he ate meat!
What the sail’s for scientists they debate
Now they think it’s to attract a mate
Dimetrodon with a sail on its back
Better watch out for his deadly attack

Dimetrodon is feeling hungry
He goes down to the water
If he does not find something to eat he is gonna get angry
He hopes something comes to the slaughter
There’s Diplocaulus
He looks so yummy
He wants to eat him
And fill his tummy

2.Long before Dinosaurs ruled the earth
Dimetrodon was the master first
If you call him a Dino then you would be wrong.
In the class of synapsid that where they belong
More related to mammals than to dinosaurs
Dimetrodon Do you want to know more?
500 pounds and 6 meters long.
Dimetrodon and this is his song.

The Dimetrodons are going hunting
Dimetrodon, They’re going marching
Dimetrodon, It’s food their searching
Dimetrodon, They want some munching
Dimetrodon, They see a group of Edaphosaurus
Dimetrodon, As well as some Eyrops
Dimetrodon, They start to surround them and get ready
Dimetrodon, To attack

Danica Kotsopolous - vocals
Mike Whitla- guitars and vocals
Marco Minnemann - drums
John "JK" Kanakis - bass

Howdytoons brings you the best music videos and cartoons including Dinostory and Prehistorica.
Stay tuned for more Dinosaur Songs.

Music about Dinosaurs

Music © 2021 Rock'n'Rainbow Music Publishing
Video © 2021 Howdytoons Productions Inc.