Photographer captures incredible moment lions cubs had to leap across a swollen river

2023-01-31 10

A British photographer captured the incredible moment lions cubs had to leap across a swollen river.

Wildlife guide and conservationist Paul Goldstein spotted the plucky youngsters lined up by Kenyan waters at dawn this month (Jan).

The Wimbledon-based snapper explains: "The Ntiakntiak river in Olare Conservancy, bordering the Masai Mara is normally a trickle. After almost biblical storms it becomes rather more than that.

"We found a mother and her very young cubs at dawn finishing the last rites of a warthog. She was a little out of her leonine manor and appeared to want to return to her home range.

"Making an early call on a hunch is important with situations like this, as you want to be in position early, never chasing the prize.

"Fortunately in the Mara Conservancies off-road driving is permitted and we were able to cross the swollen river and position in good time.

"The mother drank then jumped over to the North bank. For the cubs however, this represented a terrifying leap of faith and they hesitated for several minutes with the mum looking on anxiously.

"The previous evening if they had tried this they would have been swept away.

"Eventually they succeeded and shook off before joining their mother for some love and grooming.

"It was a magnificent morning, and they were sleeping by 07.30."

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