Hussaini Suspension Bridge Hunza Pakistan ,one of the Pakistan,s Most Dangerous Rope B

2023-01-29 10

#hussainibridge #myvlog

Hussaini Suspension Bridge is Pakistan’s most dangerous rope bridge, but it is only one of many hazardous rope bridges in the north, Gulmit Hunza valley. According to residents, at least ten people have fallen from the bridge. In addition, the inhospitable Karakoram Range, which is home to the world’s most dangerous bridge, makes crossing this structure even more hazardous.

in Pakistan, the Hussaini Suspension Bridge, which spans the Hunza River and is one of the world’s longest bridges, is a must-see. It was built to cross the Hunza River. The current bridge was constructed in 1994 after a previous suspension bridge washed away during floods. The fact is that this region is known for its winds, which explains why the first bridge built of thin ropes and planks was almost entirely destroyed. However, next to the current bridge, some remaining components may be seen, which only adds to the thrill for tourists.

The Hussaini Suspension Bridge, on the other hand, is not trustworthy. It was built with the simplest materials – ropes and planks. Hussaini Suspension Bridge is one of the oldest in the Hunza region. Even locals are unaware of the exact date of its construction. Planks have begun to disintegrate, and there have been significant gaps between the boards for many years. Getting across Hunza is incredibly hazardous due to large holes in the bridge and an unrelenting wind that never stops blowing.

The most dangerous bridge in the world is relatively 635ft long. The hanging bridge is made of wooden planks and rope with huge gaps between the wooden planks and rope.