What is acute intestinal obstruction? Types, symptoms and treatment

2023-01-22 1

There are two types of intestinal obstruction: chronic and acute (which is more common).

Chronic intestinal obstruction can turn into an acute form after a few weeks or months.

Acute intestinal obstruction is a dangerous disease characterized by irreversible changes. Consequences remain even after elimination of intestinal obstruction.

The acute form of intestinal obstruction has its own types: dynamic (which occurs as a result of a violation of the motor function of the intestine), mechanical (in the case of mechanical obstacles to the passage of food through the intestines).

Dynamic intestinal obstruction can be spastic (appears as a result of a sharp spasm of a separate section of the intestinal wall and is more common) or paralytic (is the result of neuroleptic influences).

Mechanical obstruction of the intestine is obstructive and strangulation.

With obstructive intestinal obstruction, the closure of the intestinal lumen occurs from the inside, while blood circulation is not disturbed.

The causes of obstructive intestinal obstruction can be: intestinal tumors, gallstone blockage, cicatricial narrowing of the intestine, ascariasis.

In the case of strangulation intestinal obstruction, the intestinal lumen is closed from the outside with a violation of the intestinal circulation.

The strangulation form of intestinal obstruction is observed in such disorders: all types of strangulated hernias, intestinal volvulus, nodulation, adhesive disease.

The main signs of intestinal obstruction are: abdominal pain, vomiting, stool and gas retention.

Diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction includes auscultation of the abdomen. The complete absence of sounds when listening indicates a paralytic form.

Treatment of acute intestinal obstruction - surgical.

Attention! This material is for informational purposes only. When observing various unusual symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor!

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