60 Second Business Tips: 3 Ways to Boost Confidence

2023-01-21 7

"As a business owner, you're going to face all sorts of challenges," says business development consultant and Entrepreneur magazine writer Terry Rice. "But a lack of confidence will tank your chances of success faster than any real obstacle."

So how do you shake off imposter syndrome when attempting something new? Here are three ways to boost your confidence.

1. Realize confidence comes from past experiences, not pep talks. You don't need motivational posters to remind yourself about what you can do. Jot down ten challenges that you've already won. Keep this list handy to remind yourself of what you've already accomplished and why you can take on new challenges.

2. Stop worrying about other people's opinions. Most people either root for you or ignore you, so focus on getting 1% better daily.

3. Learn to see failure as data. Think of every project, pitch, or sales call as an experiment. You're testing something out, and if it works, great. If not, you've learned something and can improve your approach.

Read more here: https://www.entrepreneur.com/articles/443376

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