King's Future 35 Days To Save The King's Theatre in Edinburgh

2023-01-20 59

City of Edinburgh Council’s bid to the UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund has been unsuccessful. This grant would have been a crucial contribution towards the funding gap for the King’s Redevelopment project caused by inflation, global conflict and changing trade routes.

Capital Theatres, the charity which runs the King’s, has already raised £26m and must find the remaining £8.9m in the next 35 days, in time to sign over the building to the contractors, stay on track with the project, and avoid spiralling costs.

The King’s is vital for the UK’s cultural ecology and is an important heritage community asset that brings significant social and economic benefits to Scotland’s capital city and beyond.

If the money is not found, Capital Theatres cannot proceed with the redevelopment and will have to hand the keys back to City of Edinburgh Council who own the building.

Without the redevelopment this Grade A listed building risks closing its doors for good. We are now working with the Scottish Government, City of Edinburgh Council and the UK Government to find this vital funding.