Student Debt in the US is reaching unprecedented amounts of nearly $2 trillion in total outstanding debt. This is an epidemic of massive proportions, yet colleges, lenders, and the government still continue to lend out new loans every single year to the next wave of naive, unsuspecting 18 year olds. Additionally, as these new loans are written each year, colleges continue to hike up their prices at insurmountable rates. More specifically, 1,200% since 1980. And on top of all of this, colleges are sitting on tens of billions of tax-free dollars in their endowments. This is a debt trap disguised as "higher education," the "best investment: one can make, yet each year we continue to let it fester on to the point where student loans has become a predatory industry. To explain, the more students that fall into debt, the more loans that are written out, the more colleges, lenders, and the government get paid. This means that their profits are tied directly to your indebtedness. This is the perfect recipe for a corrupt disaster. So, what's the solution? How do we solve the student debt crisis? How do we end this corruption, and create a sensible higher education system? Is cancelling student debt the right approach? Well, let's crack the code, and let's discover a feasible solution to this $2 Trillion debt trap!