Christopher Myers: Let the Mermaids Flirt with Me / Art Basel Miami Beach 2022

2022-12-27 18

At Art Basel Miami Beach, the artist Christopher Myers put up a space honoring the Black diaspora. Exhibition text: “Christopher Myers built a chapel for the stories of the sea in the Meridians sector of Art Basel Miami Beach. Inside a dimly lit hexagonal structure, a gentle glow emanates from five large stained-glass paintings installed in lightboxes. His imagery draws from sources including fantastical water creatures, blues music, water deities, and spirits – references which Myers uses to make connections between the water, African diasporas, and legacies of Black dislocation. Both theatrical and religious at once, Let the Mermaids Flirt with Me (2022) looks like a devotional space and a theater set. It’s a fitting combination, drawing on Myers’s practice as a playwright and visual artist. During the fair, the installation will be activated by a performance with puppets and original music. Christopher Myers, Let The Mermaids Flirt with Me, 2022 is presented by James Cohan Gallery in the Meridians sector at Art Basel Miami Beach.”

Christopher Myers: Let the Mermaids Flirt with Me / Art Basel Miami Beach 2022. Miami Beach, November 29, 2022.