A dog has made a miraculous recovery after being found on the side of the road by an emergency vet who thought she was dead. Dr Janey Lowes was on her way to work when she spotted the animal lying lifeless on the side of a road in Talalla, Sri Lanka. Janey had stopped to move the pooch away from the road, when she noticed her tail wagging slightly, indicating she was still alive. The six-year-old mix had a large tumour on her head, which had become infested with maggots and was lying completely still. Janey, 34, the founder of WECare Worldwide, a dog rescue charity, said: "I always pull over to move or bury dead dogs. Janey joked "I've trained myself to see them, I won't see the man on his bicycle, but I'll catch a street dog every time. "I've treated more than 20,000 dogs, and I've never thought one was dead when it wasn't. "It was the fact that you couldn't see her breathing, she was very close to death." Janey picked up the dog and took it to the WECare hospital, where she was treated for her wounds and named Sassy. She also received chemotherapy to treat her tumour. The pup made a quick recovery was looking happy and healthy within three weeks Sassy will be returned to her guardian, as the pooch seemed to have wandered away from her community. If the charity is unable to find her guardian she will be re-homed to someone who will care for her. Janey, who is originally from Barnard Castle, northern England, added: "She didn't have much fight left in her, she just let me pick her up and flopped into my arms. "She's healthy, if she continues to recover the way she has been until now, I'll have no qualms getting her back to her community." She continued: "[Rescuing a dog like this] is the best feeling in the world, I know it's a cliché, but I feel so fortunate to witness these miraculous recoveries. "It really is a testament to these dogs' resilience and grit, I have the best job in the world. "There are quite a few cases in which the dog clearly knows we are helping them, and that just feels so amazing. "75% of the dogs in the world are unhomed, and we focus all of our resources on the small potential that have homes. "We are just trying to make sure street dogs receive this same treatment."