Do the EU and NATO need to reform? With the Yannis Alexis Zepos, the former Secretary General of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2022-12-20 6

Do the EU and NATO need to reform?
Yannis Alexis Zepos, the former Secretary General of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs explores with Vickram Bahl.
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00:00 Could the European Union have averted the direct conflict between Russia and Ukraine?
03:52 EU countries brought about the Minsk agreement but why could they not make it hold the peace?
05:48 Was there a missed opportunity to bring Russia into the European fold?
06:32 On his view of a resolution that may be possible.
08:40 Are we nearing a point where negotiations are possible?
09:40 What are the effects of this on Europe?
10:33 Would a European solution be possible or would the US be needed to lead the solution?
12:10 Could the EU have built trust with Russia via an economic relationship and what went wrong?
14:30 On new arrangements that Europe is entering to replace Russian supplies and EU_Russian relations in the future.
16:09 On the EU re-engaging with Russia in the future.
16:40 On the current Greek-Indian relations.