Chatham Saw Mill, the oldest and largest saw mill in Asia, Andaman Island, India

2022-12-10 2

We came here to visit today the Chatham Saw Mill which is the oldest and largest saw mill in Asia. This saw mill has a special attraction for its historical importance. It was built in 1883 at Chatham Island with a area about 91.3 sq. km. by the British. Raw material was enough to supply in this mill from surrounding Jungle. Chatham Saw Mill was closed for four years after the Japanese bombarded during the World War II. It was resumed its operations in 1946 after Japanese left. There is a Museum and a curio shop inside the mill. The Museum gives tourists an insight into the history of Chatham island, description about tribes of Andaman & Nicober Islands with picture and also explains the biodiversity it is blessed with. It also showcases an interesting collection of wood-work and carvings that depict the excellence of craftmanship. It is to be specially mentioned here that the most precious wood of the world is available here the name of which is “Andaman Padauk”.
A Japanese Bunkar is also present here as a evidence of Japanese captured during the World War II.

# Chatham saw mill, # Chatham island, # Andaman island India