Paternity lawyers help mothers and fathers understand their rights and responsibilities regarding child custody and child support.
If you are a father who wants to be involved in your child's life or a mother who needs help establishing paternity, working with a paternity lawyer can be extremely beneficial.
Here are a few benefits of working with a paternity lawyer.
A Paternity Lawyer Can Help You Establish a Paternity: If you are a father who wants to be involved in your child's life but you are not married to the child's mother.
You will need to establish paternity before you can seek custody or visitation.
A paternity lawyer can help you establish paternity through DNA testing, which will confirm with certainty that you are the child's father.
Once paternity is established, you will then be able to seek custody or visitation through the court system.
Soren Law Group
One Edgewater St Suite 304, Staten Island, NY 10305, USA
(718) 815-4500
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What are the benefits of working with a paternity lawyer?