“Stages, audiences, lights, applause. These were becoming more normal than I'd ever thought they could be. What I lived for now were the unrehearsed, un-photographed, in-between moments where nobody was performing and no one was judging and real surprise was still possible - where sometimes without warning you might feel a tiny latch spring open on your heart.”
― Michelle Obama, Becoming
new world quotes by Michelle Obama part 1 : https://youtube.com/shorts/gOG71QO3GtI?feature=share
new world quotes by Michelle Obama part 2 : https://youtube.com/shorts/f1SoeJQNWYg?feature=share
new world quotes by Michelle Obama part 3 : https://youtube.com/shorts/_DWs69Dzi0c?feature=share
Managemant self, quotes by Michelle Obama : https://youtube.com/shorts/C5lSASrBFOM?feature=share
Becoming, quotes by Michelle Obama : https://youtube.com/shorts/5_VSWadxE9k?feature=share
work with principle, life quotes by Michelle Obama : https://youtube.com/shorts/bbReMhGBe_w?feature=share