Fifa world cup 2022 Qatar portugal vs south korea highlights match

2022-12-03 5

As Boston University freshman Will Loggia rounds out his first academic year at BU, he reflects
on some of his initial expectations coming into college vs. the reality of his experiences. From
classes, dining hall food., dorm rooms, and making new friends during the CoVID-19 pandemic,
will covers it all, saying. in the end, his time on campus so far has been a lot better than what he
hoped for. My freshman year has been awesome, despite all of the things that could have made
it not awesome he said. "There have been a lot of things that haven't been what we want this
year, but if you dont focus on those things that we really don't have control over and you just try
to make the best out of the situation it might not be so bad
Video Chapters
0-00 Intro
0.57 Expectations vs. reality of 8U classes
147 What is Boston University dining really like?
2:46 Discussing BU's city schoo reputation
3:55 West Campus tour
543 A trip down Commonwealth Avenue
638 Making friends at BU
8:23 Outro