WATCH: Wild Polar Bear Approaches Small Dog Near Water | Three Tea Trees
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A polar bear moves closer to a delicate little puppy on the beach. The pup doesn't seem to be too intimidated by the large predator and even lets the bear pet him! This is a very rare moment to witness, as these two animals are not usually seen together in the wild.
A wild polar bear moves closer to a tiny puppy on the beach, seemingly harmless. But the small dog is still very nervous, as this is the first time he's ever encountered such a large predator. The bear reaches out with his front limbs to pat and scratch the small dog's head, getting closer and closer. But eventually, the dog relaxes and lets the bear pet him, realizing that he poses no threat. This moment is a rare glimpse into the lives of these two animals, who usually exist on opposite ends of the food chain. To subscribe and watch the most recent video, please visit Three Tea Trees on YouTube after watching. We are incredibly appreciative.
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WATCH: Wild Polar Bear Approaches Small Dog Near Water
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