on November 18, 1970, a fire erupted at the Roberts' home, consuming the garage barn of the residence. After the flames finally subsided, a body was found among the ashes. The body, which was found next to a melted shotgun, was so badly burnt that it was unrecognizable. Although the body was originally identified as that of Clarence Roberts, as authorities continued their investigation a few irregularities arose that put that claim into question. Multiple theories spread across Nashville as to what had really happened at the Roberts' house that night.
as police dug into this case, the more things didn't add up. For starters:
Clarence Roberts masonic ring was found completely intact and looked to have been planted at the scene of the fire.
although a shotgun was found in the barn, the cause of death of the body found in the barn was carbon monoxide poisoning which was determined to have been done before the fire.
the body found in the first fire has Neve been identified.
Geneva had a mysterious man visiting her house and she bought large amounts of alcohol, despite being a diabetic and also seldom dinking alcohol. she died in a fire in 1980 and the person found in the house with her after the fire was in fact identified as Clarence to the shock of everyone.
so the question remains did Clarence die in the first fire or the second? if he did die in the second fire who died in the first?
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