Portland Holds Vote on Scrapping the City’s Charter

2022-11-02 316

Portland Holds Vote , on Scrapping , the City's Charter.
'The Independent' reports that residents
of Portland are voting on a measure
to completely overhaul City Hall.
The vote comes amid surging homelessness
and gun violence while the city struggles
to recover from the COVID pandemic. .
The vote comes amid surging homelessness
and gun violence while the city struggles
to recover from the COVID pandemic. .
The proposal would scrap the city's commission
form of government and also implement
a rare form of ranked choice voting.
In 2007, 66% of Portlanders on average
that year thought the city was headed in
the right direction. Now, it’s about 10%.
People are really upset with
the way that the city is going, John Horvick, Pollster, via 'The Independent'.
'The Independent' reports that reforming
Portland's charter has been voted on
in the past but has always failed. .
According to city law, a commission must
convene once every decade to review the charter.
Currently, city council members act
as administrators of the city's various bureaus. .
The new measure would replace the charter
with the more common mayor-council system
and would expand the City Council to 12 members. .
The changes are reportedly meant
to make City Hall more inclusive.
Supporters of the measure argue that the change
could boost voter turnout and make
government more representative