Bolsonaro Authorizes Power Transition Without Conceding Defeat

2022-11-02 75

Bolsonaro Authorizes , Power Transition , Without Conceding Defeat.
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was defeated by leftist Lula da Silva in the nation's recent election.
Bolsonaro made his first comments on Nov. 2.
While he did not formally concede to da Silva, Bolsonaro's chief of staff stated that he has been authorized to start the process of transition.
I have always been labeled as anti-democratic and, unlike my accusers, I have always played within the four lines of
the constitution, Jair Bolsonaro, via NBC News.
Current popular movements are the result of indignation and a feeling of injustice regarding how the electoral process occurred, Jair Bolsonaro, via AP.
Bolsonaro's comments
have been read by some
analysts as inflammatory.
He didn’t recognize his defeat, and sustains the suspense, Thomas Traumann, Independent Political Analyst, via AP.
But as he wants to continue to dominate, to be the leader,
he maintains the possibility of peaceful demonstrations, Thomas Traumann, Independent Political Analyst, via AP.
Protests have led
to traffic jams and flight
cancellations in Sao Paulo.
Bolsonaro stated that he supports such protests as long as they remain somewhat peaceful.
Many of his supporters claim election fraud, similar to former President Donald Trump and his supporters.
Many of his supporters claim election fraud, similar to former President Donald Trump and his supporters.
There have even been calls for military intervention
so that Bolsonaro may remain in power.
[Bolsonaro was] sending a message to his hardcore supporters to keep protesting, Robert Muggah, Igarapé Institute, via AP.
He’s playing with fire: There’s a real risk that prolonged unrest and police inaction could ignite simmering tensions, Robert Muggah, Igarapé Institute, via AP

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