Where will my Temple Tax go to? Why should I pay my Temple Tax?

2022-10-23 0

People also ask

What was the purpose of the temple tax?

The temple tax was a tax imposed by the temple priests on all the Jewish people as well as Gentiles who inherited the Jewish roots of faith. It had to be paid annually and it was intended for the upkeep of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem.

By the Torah, as commanded in the Bible itself (Exodus 30 verse13; 38 verse 25), every male Jew over the age of 20 had to give an annual contribution to the temple, of “half a shekel”.

Don't collect more than is legal, he told them." And in Romans 13:6 to 7, Paul writes, "That is also why you pay taxes, because the authorities are working for God when they fulfill their duties. Pay, then, what you owe them; pay your personal and property taxes, and show respect and honor for them all."

Matthew 17:24 to 27

The Temple tax was one-half shekel per year for every Jew over 20. Since Yeshua was the Lord and Owner of the Temple, He and His "children" should have been free of taxation. Instead Yeshua orders Kepha or Peter to pay it anyway for both of them to avoid a bitter and offensive debate on the merits of His claim.