Body camera footage reveals confusion over Florida Gov. DeSantis' voter fraud arrests

2022-10-19 21

Several of those arrested as part of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' "opening salvo" on his Office of Election Crimes and Security fraud appeared to have no idea why they were being arrested and seemed to be unaware that they were being accused of violating state law when they voted, according to police body camera footage shared with CBS News.  The footage was first reported by the Tampa Bay Times and was provided by the Tampa Police Department. It shows the arrests of three of the twenty people who allegedly broke the state's election laws on felon voting rights: Tony Patterson, 43, Byron Leanord Smith, 65, and Romona Oliver, 55.  All are listed as residents of Tampa, Fla. and were previously convicted of either murder or a sex offense. They all also voted in 2020, according to voting records provided by Hillsborough County.  In mid-August, DeSantis announced that his election police department had arrested 20 former convicts who had voted, despite the fact that their full voting righ