Heartwarming moment a dad is moved to tears as his son surprises him on his 50th birthday after spending a year apart

2022-10-16 1

This is the heartwarming moment a student surprised his father for his 50th birthday after not having seen each other for an entire year. Tanmay Mehta, 20, had been studying abroad in Moncton, Canada for a year when he flew 11,000 kilometers to surprise his father, Bimal back home in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Bimal Mehta can be seen leaping up to tearfully hug his son as soon as he sees him. The room was packed with friends and family who were in on the surprise and showering the two in confetti. The moment was recorded by Tanmay's friend Jalpan, who had helped the family organise the surprise. According to Tanmay, who studies business administration, his father is an emotional man, and especially when it comes to his son. "Every time I call him he gets emotional this, we are very close." The entire event was organised by Tanmay's mother, Vibhuti, who told Tanmay about the plot as far back as Valentine's day this year. The friends and family of Bimal, a businessman who works in student housing, can be seen cheering, visibly emotional at witnessing the moment between the two. After the video was posted to Instagram, Tanmay said the video became very popular, to the point where his father now gets recognised on the street. "I can't even describe the moment, I had been waiting so long to hug him, we had been planning this since February "It's every Indian boy's dream to hug his father like this, he's honestly like my best friend, I share everything with him. "My mother loves my father so much and she surprises him with something different every year. "As this was his fiftieth birthday, and I was not there, my mother decided to give him the best surprise possible and planned everything."