Can GOP Candidate For Governor Doug Mastriano Stop Legalization

2022-10-12 12

The Pennsylvania state senator now running for governor. The GOP candidate for governor is "running not just against Shapiro. He’s running against cannabis," one legalization advocate said. Mastriano says marijuana could "destroy" society. Abortion, climate change, same-sex marriage, and other key issues, Mastriano has maintained ultraconservative positions years.

Only one in four Pennsylvanians share Mastriano’s position on the issue, with 56% supporting the legalization of marijuana, according to the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion. As for Mastriano, Chris Goldstein, a regional organizer for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) said the state senator is likely fighting a losing political battle if his plan is to keep arresting people for marijuana possession.

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