You realize you’re talking to a real person, right - How to connect

2022-10-30 1

Follow Hamza on Youtube here:

Disclaimer: I am not Hamza. I am simply a disciple spreading the message.

Attention all cult members: Add this NEW daily habit to your habit tracker - Kindness. You realize you’re talking to a real person, right? On the internet, we usually forget that. I definitely did when I used to leave hateful comments. Don't be the cause to someone's mental health problems with your negative comments on social media. The Love Island deaths, YouTubers coming out with depression, is all down to the distance that social media creates. You see someone who doesn't even seem like a human being, and they make you feel like trash because you're ugly and you see some attractive person get the rewards of life that you want. And so like an ugly troll you leave hateful comments (talking to younger Hamza here lol)

You realize you’re talking to a real person, right - Connect with People