Burkina Faso: Rabbit breeder and feed producer

2022-09-21 4

With the increase in demand for rabbit feed, as well as an increase in the number of breeders, rabbit feed on the Burkunabè market was insufficient. A professional rabbit farmer since 2018, Lassané TIENDREGEOGO, an accountant by training, used to feed his rabbits mainly with feed from Benin.

The production of rabbit feed presented a market full of opportunities. These reasons pushed the rabbit farmer to start this activity, by creating his company "SATIL". He started with medium-sized machines, which enabled him to produce 100 kg of feed per week. Later, he acquired new high-performance machines, which gave him the capacity to produce two tons of food per day.

Thanks to the quality of his products, Lassané has succeeded in acquiring several national and regional customers, who can buy more than 30 bags per week.