LIVE - Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. World leaders at the ceremony. Windsor castle.

2022-09-19 80

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The ten days of public mourning following the death of Queen Elizabeth II will end on Monday, Sept. 19 with a full day of funeral proceedings, which begin in London and end in Windsor, where she will be laid to rest.

Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral at Westminster Abbey will be attended by world leaders, including President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden, and representatives from across the Commonwealth of Nations—most of which were part of the former British Empire.

Guests will convene for the ceremony at 11 a.m. London time, which will culminate in two minutes of silence for the Queen across the U.K. and the playing of “God Save the King”—a change after 70 years of “God Save the Queen.”


Buckingham Palace, death, queen, Elizabeth II, Great Britain, mourning, sorrow, people, funeral, condolences, royal family, UK, president, prime minister, Winsor, funeral procession, king Charles III, Buckingham Palace, Tod, Königin, Elizabeth II, Großbritannien, Trauer, Trauer, Menschen, Beerdigung, Beileid, königliche Familie, Präsident, Premierminister, Winsor, Trauerzug, König Charles III, Букінгемський палац, смерть, королева, Єлизавета II, Великобританія, жалоба, горе, люди, похорон, співчуття, королівська сім'я, президент, прем'єр-міністр, Вінзор, похоронна процесія, король Карл III

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