Personal Injury Attorney Phoenix - Answers Legal Questions Kelly Law Team

2022-09-13 1

Questions Answered in this Video:

0:57 How can I convince the insurance company that my claim is real?
Answer: Well, basically you should think of it as a trial. You need to make sure you have compiled all the evidence that you will need to build your case. The evidence can include photographs of the accident, photographs of your injuries, notes of your doctors, notes of your injuries, and statements of the witnesses present at the scene or any other thing you think can be useful to present as evidence.

2:14 Question 2: If I work with an attorney on a contingency basis, will the firm compensate me while I’m waiting for my claim to settle?
Answer: The straight answer would be no. The firm would not compensate while you are waiting for your settlement. However, there are things that you can do depending upon your pocket expenses. Most attorneys would be able to direct you to certain providers, working on need-basis to treat your injuries. There are companies too that can grant you a loan based on your potential settlement. Not highly recommended but it’s just another option you can consider.

3:30 Question 3: How long will it take to know if I’m going to win my case?
Answer: This is a very specific question. There are some cases, where we know from the start that we will be able to win it. Like we have substantial evidence or it is known that who caused the accident so it’s pretty easy. However, there are other cases where all the details are not known and some pieces are missing. That’s where it may take some time to determine which way the case is going.

4:30 Question 4: I’m not able to leave my house due to an injury. Do personal attorneys do house calls?
Answer: Absolutely. Most of the attorneys, at least in my firm, we definitely do house calls if the client is unable to make it due to an injury or some other circumstances.