LIVE - British MPs paid tribute to Queen Elizabeth II after her death.

2022-09-09 46

live broadcast:

The House of Lords meets at noon today, Friday 9 September 2022, for the first time since the announcement of the death of Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Members will begin to pay tribute to Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and agree an Address to the new King. Key office-holders in the Lords will begin the tributes, followed by backbench members. A minute's silence will take place at the start of the sitting after prayers.

Tributes will continue tomorrow, Saturday 10 September, at 1pm and at the end of the sitting an Address of condolence to King Charles III will be agreed.


House of Lords, death, queen, Elizabeth II, United Kingdom, mourning, grief, MPs, funeral, condolences, royal family, Great Britain, give tributes, UK parliament, Палата лордів, смерть, королева, Єлизавета II, Сполучене Королівство, траур, горе, депутати, похорон, співчуття, королівська сім'я, Велика Британія, віддати данину, парламент Великобританії, House of Lords, Tod, Königin, Elizabeth II, Vereinigtes Königreich, Trauer, Trauer, Abgeordnete, Beerdigung, Beileid, königliche Familie, Großbritannien, ehren, britisches Parlament

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