FightinCowboy's Comment Sections look so fake: Intel taken from 7 Random Postings

2022-09-06 18

FightinCowboy, the Professional Loser, very likely uses View-Botting to boost his Engagement, perhaps as a mean to make his shit Content look alive and well and to go up in the Algorithm, or simply for Ad Money. I'm showing the many View-Bots from the Comment Sections of 7 *Humanly-Randomly Chosen* Postings of his, and if my Statistics are about correct (thanks brain), pretty much little more than half of all the Comments on each Videos turn out to be completely fake, heck it may very well be even higher Statistics than that if I were to dig deeper into it, I'd just wish I would have an AI to fish them out for me, but alas I have less Computer Engineering Skills than Cowboy, although that's a positive actually.

This evidence may come from my own perceptions, fair enough if you think so, but to counter that, I've seen about recently that VI ASMR (makes/made Mukbangs of exotic food) sold her Account to "Natural Healing", the then new owner did said it herself, only for VI to take the Channel back it seems like, but what was my first (re)introduction to View-Bots/Account Selling was DSPGaming, my favorite Lolcow because he's actually funny, using them himself; the Video I watched about DSP's mishap was "DSP Cries It- Internet Issues Expose His View Bots" from James, with very convincing evidence, albeit with just as "personal" perceptions;

The View-Botting Market is still alive it seems like, and well I've been witnessing the Trend in the past few Months again, it's not the 2010s anymore, it has evolved. There is no way, that with my newfound knowledge that... well, View-Bots still exist in 2022 and people still dare to use them, that I cannot see these freaking odd Accounts interacting with Cowboy to be anywhere near legitimate. Again, despite being personal perceptions, how can you say otherwise? It's like trying to argue why all the hens are getting gutted out, you could only conclude there's a wild animal feasting on them, same thing with this View-Botting. I legitimately can't see any other way, and it's not because I simply loathe the guy.

He literally spends to get more Clout. Remember when he called me a clout-chasing nerd? Was 100% projecting. And that goes to say, if you were harassed by the guy and his "Fans" ganked up on you, don't feel bad, it was Cuntboy using his View-Bots against you, because he's a sore loser.

I may've promised to give you 169$ in Mediocre Theater [10] FightinCowboy, but I sure am quick to retract on that promise now, because I don't want that money to go into View-Botting you bloody idiot. You even use your family as a shield, as an excuse for you to whore yourself out with Raid: Shadow Legends, to get the money you would rather use not on them or to make better Content to then being able to better support yourselves, but for Engagement, this is disgusting as sin. My money would be better spent on WWE Champions than your dumb ass.