Sun Tzu's Quotes which are better to be known when young to not Regret in Old Age English Quotes_02

2022-09-02 3

Sun Tzu was a Chinese general , military strategist , writer , and philosopher . Sun Tzw is traditionally credited as the author of The Art of War , an influential work of military strategy that has affected both Western and East Asian philosophy and military thinking . Sun Tzu's works focus much more on alternatives to battle , such as stratagem , delay , the use of spies and alternatives r itself . to war This video is quotes from Sun Tzw . This quotes compilation is made of his best quotes and we hope that these life quotes can make think about you . many things in your life . Sun Tzu's quotes are definitely worth your time . Don't forget to take screenshots of the quotes you like to put together your collection of inspirational quotes . Thank you for watching another video with quotes , this time it's Sun Tzu's quotes .

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