Poland Demands German Reparations From WWII

2022-09-02 1,365

Poland Demands German Reparations , From WWII.
Poland Demands German Reparations , From WWII.
On Sept. 1, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of ruling nationalist party Law and Justice (PiS), said Poland estimates its losses imposed by Germany during WWII amount to $1.32 trillion.
Kaczynski also said Warsaw will
officially demand reparations. .
The sum that was presented was adopted using the most limited, conservative method, it would be possible to increase it, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of ruling nationalist party
Law and Justice, via statement.
CNN reports Germany previously said every financial claim associated with WWII had been resolved.
CNN reports Germany previously said every financial claim associated with WWII had been resolved.
About 6 million Polish people were killed during WWII and Warsaw was demolished after a 1944 uprising.
CNN reports that Poland's rulers in 1953 relinquished reparations claims after being pressured by the Soviet Union.
PiS claims that agreement is not valid because the country was not able to negotiate fairly.
Donald Tusk, leader of opposition party Civic Platform, said Kaczynski's claims are "not about reparations.".
It's about an internal political campaign to rebuild support
for the ruling party, Donald Tusk, leader of opposition party Civic Platform, via statement