Suspended BJP leader Seema Patra, who was arrested by the Ranchi Police a day earlier after a video of her house help went viral, has now cried foul and claimed innocence in the matter. The wife of ex-IAS officer Maheshwar Patra has been booked for torturing her maid. This after her domestic house help, who is a tribal woman, revealed how she was abused and assaulted by Seema Patra for the past 8 years. She even thanked the neta's son, who told her story to his friend, whose father is a government officer. Acting on their tip off, the police rescued the maid, identified as 29-year-old Sunita and arrested Seema Patra, who was then suspended by the BJP in Jharkhand
#BJP #Jharkhand #SeemaPatra #Sunita #BetiBachaoBetiPadhao