LIVE- Forum 2000 and Forum for Ukraine Conference. Zelensky, Fiala, Borrell, Kuleba, Baerbock.

2022-08-31 37

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The 26th annual Forum 2000 Conference, titled “Democracy’s Clear and Present Danger: How Do We Respond?”, will be held in Prague on August 31- September 2, 2022.

At a time when the people of Ukraine are bravely defending their country against Vladimir Putin’s aggression, the conference will feature a special “Forum for Ukraine” where participants will address the post-war future of Ukraine at the heart of the European and global democratic community. The conference sessions will also discuss the global resurgence of authoritarianism, search for ways how democratic alliances can be constructed, as well as look for new ideas on how to make democracy more resilient in the current challenging environment.


speaks, welcoming speech, conference, president, Zelensky, invasion, Ukraine, war, Russian aggression, Russia, military, Putin, Kremlin, president, help, Armed Forces of Ukraine, Petr Fiala, Borrell, Kuleba, foreign affairs minister, виступає, вітальне слово, конференція, президент, Зеленський, вторгнення, Україна, війна, російська агресія, Росія, військові, Путін, Кремль, президент, допомога, Збройні сили України, Петр Фіала, Боррель, Кулеба, міністр закордонних справ, mluví, uvítací řeč, konference, prezident, Zelenskij, invaze, Ukrajina, válka, ruská agrese, Rusko, armáda, Putin, Kreml, prezident, pomoc, Ozbrojené síly Ukrajiny, Petr Fiala, Borrell, Kuleba, ministr zahraničních věcí