Alia Bhatt trends over Boycott Brahmastra, Alia Fans highly waiting for Brahmastra. Recently, Boycott Brahmastra was trending due to alia's angry statement on Nepotism but alia Bhatt fans doesn't care as they are highly waiting for film. Ranbir Kapoor Beholds Alia Bhatt as she sings Kesariya in her melodious voice, Video viral. Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt visited IIT Bombay for promotions of her upcoming Film Brahmastra. Ranbir Kapoor and alia bhatt latest video goes viral. these days Ranbir take care of Alia Bhatt a lot as alia bhatt is pregnant. Watch video to know more
#AliaBhatt #RanbirKapoor #BoycottBrahmastra