Ganesh Chaturthi or Vinayaka Chauturthi begins on August 31, 2022, when the whole country dives into the festive spirit to observe Lord Ganesha's arrival to earth. The celebrations take place for ten days when devotees install Ganpati idols at public and private places to worship Ganpati Bappa for a happy and peaceful life. Ganeshotsav is celebrated till Anant Chaturthi which will be observed on September 9, Friday. Indulge in the most joyous celebration of Ganeshotsav by sending Ganpati Bappa wishes, Happy Ganesh Chaturthi greetings, Ganeshotsav 2022 messages & Lord Ganesha’s quotes to your near and dear ones. Forward Vinayaka Chaturthi 2022 images & HD wallpapers to your special ones this festive season!1