How to know ayurvedic body type? #2 Determine your body type | Know your dominant ayurvedic dosha

2022-08-23 1

Have you ever wondered what is ayurvedic body types or doshas? Do you know what is Vata Pitta and Kapha? Do you know what ayurvedic body types are you or what is your dominant ayurvedic dosha?

In this video, you will learn how to know ayurvedic body type. Also, you will Know your dominant ayurvedic dosha that governs your behavior.

Every single individual ayurvedic body type is different. They possess Ayurveda dosha Vata Pitta and Kapha in different proportions. So one of these three body types is dominant and that is expressed in their nature, behavior, personality, appearance, health, and other aspects of life.

You must have noticed that one person is more energetic than the other or is more sluggish in nature. Some prefer salty foods while others have sweet-tooth. Some lover summers while others are fond of winter. Do you know why is this or what is causing these differences? Well, it's all governed by your ayurvedic body type. The dominance of Vata, Pitta, or Kapha or a combination of these doshas.