Salt Substitutes Could Help Reduce Risk of Stroke and Heart Conditions

2022-08-15 379

Research suggests that replacing regular salt with salt substitutes could lower blood pressure and protect against heart conditions, stroke and death. .
'The Guardian' reports that high consumption of salt drives up blood pressure, which can lead to poor cardiovascular health and a risk of early death.
Research published in the journal
'Heart' suggests that salt substitutes
could reduce those risks.
Results from 21 clinical trials, involving approximately 32,000 people, showed reduced blood pressure regardless of age, sex, weight and blood-pressure related factors.
“Salt substitutes produce consistent blood pressure-lowering effects across geographies and diverse participant subsets,” the researchers write.
A smaller analysis showed that salt substitutes could also reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and early death from any cause by as much as 11%.
In the same study, the risk of developing, cardiovascular disease, was reduced by 13%.
This research is a helpful reminder to
cut the amount of salt we have in our
diets and to look for alternatives, Tracy Parker, BHF heart health dietitian, via 'The Guardian'.
While low salt substitutes have less
sodium than regular salt, they still contain
potassium which may not be suitable
for some people with a heart problem
and other existing health conditions, Tracy Parker, BHF heart health dietitian, via 'The Guardian'.
If you want to look after your health,
it’s better to just eat less salt.
Using different herbs and spices
when cooking is a great way
to add flavor and replace salt, Tracy Parker, BHF heart health dietitian, via 'The Guardian'