Pastor John Hagee - E2 - The Red Horse

2022-08-08 273

Pastor Hagee is calling this the most powerful and prophetic series he has preached to date. The Four Horses of the Apocalypse each bring different phases of prophecy to life on earth.

The first horse is the white horse. This horse comes thundering across the world stage with the Anti-Christ on board, conquering the earth, greedily running rough shod over all who stand in his way with his out-of-control lust for power. He is a great deceiver, a dictator and a living devil.

The fiery red horse comes next, and he brings death…global, nuclear war in which 1/3 of the earth’s population will be slaughtered.

The third horse is the black horse that ushers in global famine. His rider holds a balance and scale, and proclaims that a day’s wages will only buy a meal for one person with nothing left over to share with family or friends.

The final horse is the pale horse of death. In the Greek text, this pale horse is actually green, a color that symbolizes the Islamic religion according to the CIA Fact Book.

Think this sounds far-fetched, a bit exaggerated? Listen to each of these heavily-researched and Scripturally-documented sermons as Pastor walks you through the book of Revelation and graphically describes the horror that will unfold for non-believers and the great triumph of the Church over death, hell and the grave.

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