E-Junkies: Ann Kok’s comeback drama, Pierre Png uses coconut in brain surgery

2022-08-08 95

Full story: https://www.asiaone.com/entertainment/jumping-longkangs-and-phua-chu-kang-pierre-png-reminisces-his-past-national-day-healing-heroes

AsiaOne sit down with Ann Kok and Pierre Png to chat about their roles in the new long-form medical drama Healing Heroes. This is Ann’s comeback drama after three years and she plays the head nurse. Pierre plays a neurosurgeon and he lets us in on what a coconut has got to do with brain surgery.

To celebrate Singapore's 57th National Day, we also ask them about their time growing up here and what they love-hate about our little red dot.

Healing Heroes debuts Aug 9 and airs weekdays at 7.30pm on Channel 8. It is also available on demand for free on meWATCH.