The Dow Jones Industrial Average reversed from early losses to turn higher Friday morning on a hotter-than-expected inflation report. And tech titans (AMZN) and Apple (AAPL) were up after reporting strong earnings results late Thursday.
Amazon shares surged 11% in morning trade, while Apple stock popped 2.5% before the market open.
Other key earnings movers Friday morning include energy giants Chevron (CVX) and Exxon Mobil (XOM), First Solar (FSLR) and Dow Jones stock Intel (INTC). Chevron shares rose nearly 4%, while Exxon rallied almost 2%. First Solar gained 4%. Intel dived 11% after badly missing estimates for the second quarter and cutting its outlook for the full year.
Tesla (TSLA) edged higher early Friday. Elsewhere, Dow Jones tech leader Microsoft (MSFT) traded up 0.8% after today's stock market open.